Windows SDK File Reference
Below is a listing of the files included in the SDK and their uses.
- 32bitDll [32bit binaries]
- mingwm10.dll
- snfmulti.def
- snfmulti.dll
- vs2008_snfmulti.exp
- vs2008_snfmulti.lib
- 64bitDll [64bit binaries]
- libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll
- snfmulti.def
- snfmulti.dll
- vs2008_snfmulti.exp
- vs2008_snfmulti.lib
- CodeDweller [Code Dweller library source ]
- CPPSample [C++ Sample Code Source]
- CSSample [C# Sample Code Source]
- include [C++ include file]
- VS2008CPPSample [Visual Studio C++ Sample Project]
- VS2008CSSample [Visual Studio C# Sample Project]
- VS2008VBSample [Visual Studio Visual Basic Sample Project]
Miscellaneous other files...
- AuthenticationProtocol.swf [Description/Chart of SYNC session authentication]
- ChangeLog.txt
- curl.exe
- GBUdbIgnoreList.txt
- getRulebase.cmd
- identity.xml
- ReadMe.html [HTML Guide to using the SNFMulti API/DLL]
- snf_engine.xml
- snf_xci.xml [XCI examples - open in a text editor ]
- SNFClient.exe
- SNFClient_readme.txt
- SNFServer_readme.txt
Please email [email protected] with any questions.